Wall drawings and unique home style
If there is blank place on the wall, there is an easy and cheap, even free sometimes, way to fill it and change dramatically the interior appearence and create a unique and personal style. The idea is to make a draw on the empty area of the wall or the corner of the wall. If you like drawing you can even try to do it on your own.
It does not need to be very complex or a piece of art with full detail. Even a simple drawing painted with the right simple colors can look wonderful. Most common drawings are things inspired by nature, like trees and flowers. Trees are also not very difficult to be drawned in large size.
So you do not need to be a great artist to do it. But if you like this idea but you think you are not good at all at drawings, you can ask help from a friend or even hire someone to do it. I had one interior design project once and paying a small amount of money , brought a painter from the street who was offering to do face sketches. If you have a luxury and expensive interior you can also hire a professional artist. But if you do something special and expensive, you must be carefull to maintain it and keep it clean.
In general a nice drawing on the wall will make your interior more live and if you do it on your own it will also offer you the pleasure of creation. If you have children, they are goig to love this idea. You can also let them help you coloring a part of the house. You should just make them very clear that it is allowed to paint only in spesifc place and spesific things in the house.
Rooms that wall drawing can be done, is most times living room, bedroom and of course the kid’s room. Do not be afraid to try, and even if your try is not succesfull you can easily repaint the wall and delete the unsuccesfull drawing. Let’s finish with 2 photos and wish for good luck!