Narrow living room interior design
In some cases the living room is very narrow. This is a serious problem, but even in this case there are allways sollutions to make the living room beautiful and cozy.
First of all when the room is narrow you can not have a lot of furnitures and combine sofa , armchairs etc. The only thing we need in this situation is a long sofa that will be attached on the wall at the long side of the room. This sofa will define the style of the living room, so be very carefull when you choose. There are really beautiful modern long sofas that can make your narrow home very stylish and comfortable. You can also use an L shaped sofa, but the vertical part must not be longer than the half width of the room. In this case you can also attach a long small coffe table that will also reach the same level of the vertical part of the sofa.
Opposite to the sofa and the other long part of the wall can be attached a long and narrow wall furniture. This does not need to be funcy. It can even be very simple actually. On this furniture you can place the LCD television, your home cinema and maybe your hi-fi. An other suggestion would be to use nice design speakers on the TV furniture. This is an important detail of your decoration and of course good speakers will also provide good sound quality when you watch TV or DVD movies.
An other option for long and narrow living rooms, is to attach the television on the wall. But you will still need a narrow and long furniture to place the Home cinema, the DVDs and other things you will need. I would not advice not using a wall furniture at all because it is really practical. If the room is too narrow just search for a too narrow furniture.
Last tip I could give for such occasions is the color of the long side of the room, to be a bit darker than the narrow side of the room. This will create a small illusion of space that can make your living room not to look so narrow. Dark colors tend to make things look smaller and light colors tend to make things look larger. Also vertical and horizontal stripes on the wall create a similar illusion.