October 1st 2011

Kitchen design and cooking at home

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I have seen a lot of kitchens that have a really great and modern design. But not all of them are practical for cooking. So it is very important to make a kitchen that is also convenient! The most important thing of course is to have enough space for everything you need to do, but on the other hand, everything to be close enough so that it will be easy and fast for the chef.

There must be enough space for 2 people so that movement is not obstructed, and furthermore everything must be close enough so that you can take what you want without need to walk. Each side of the triangle in the photo should not exceed 7 feet (~2 meters) and be not less than 4 feet. The kitchen sink should also be located either between or across the food prep area, cooktop, or refrigerator.

You must also be careful, especially if you do not have home insurance, because kitchen is also the most usual place where an accident can occur. Most accidents are connected with the electric stove. So it would be good not to have other electric appliances, or something else that can get in fire, very close to it. Also the upper cabinets should not be very close to the lower ones especially if they are made of wood, as they usually are. A good and safe distance would be about 3 feet (~90cm) so you can also reach the upper cabinets.

If you cook at home it might be a good idea to get home insurance as prices are not really high. Else you should buy good quality electric appliances that are more safe and have protection systems.